
Hotwife Ciren Verde

Sexy minx Ciren Verde has made me an offer I can not pass on. Looks like I’m going to be heading back out for round 2. I just adore Ciren. Sensual, intuitive, sexy and super limber. No holes bar and insatiable.

I have been promised 3 days of full open access. My bags are packed for next week. I will post photo from there here….so stay tune.

Jealous Of My Wife and Her Bull

I very rarely get jealous. When I do, it’s not for reasons that most of America gets jealous. I’ve watched my wife with her first bull. Sexually. And flirting, conversation, these personal intimate moments that would drive most people crazy. But for me there’s very little.

When we first started swinging, the first time I saw her with someone else, it struck me how not jealous I was. That concerned me for a tic. Why aren’t I jealous? What’s wrong with this situation? (Luckily I didn’t dwell on this long, as a certain beautiful curly haired girl was vying for my attention…) It came back to me later, as I sat in the aftermath, thinking about the evening, our first evening in a brave new world. This question, why wasn’t I jealous, and what did that mean?

Why does it have to mean anything? My lack of jealousy was not a commentary on my relationship and the quality inherent (or lack thereof) in it. It just was. Then, a month after we joined the interracial lifestyle full fledged, at a party, Marilyn got all sorts of attention and I got none. The jealousy came in waves. Sweet blind rage jealousy. The “get your stuff, we’re leaving” kind. The silent treatment in the car kind. Oh yes, jealousy, there you were. I wasn’t broken. I did have feelings, I did care, clearly. But, aha, this jealousy wasn’t about that, it was petty, childish…this was because Cooper didn’t have fun, and Marilyn did.

So I thought about that a good deal. What she did. Who she was with. Neither of these things bothered me. In the least. So this was the night I began to realize how high my trust level with her was. I began to realize that trust is like an antidote. Trust and confidence. As I began to become more confident in myself, my sexual abilities, my emotional availability. I began to be less and less concerned about these things that might “make one jealous.”

Since then, I really haven’t felt it. The jealousy. An occasional pang here and there perhaps. Marilyn and I do things that many swingers don’t, as well. We’ve gone on separate dates with her bull. We have no issue with separate rooms. We have a comfort level that I still marvel at and am impressed with myself. This isn’t about bragging here, it’s because I really have come to believe that jealousy can be moderated, muted. It’s not about repression either.

I’m not suggesting that if you feel jealous you should bury that deep down inside, or grin and bare it. That would be like packing down the black powder. It may be more compact and less noticeable, but eventually that spark’s gonna set it off. (May not be a thing…don’t know anything about black powder ‘cept what they’ve done on Mythbusters.) What I think you can do, though, is when feeling that pang of jealousy, recognize that’s what it is. Once you do that, you can analyze it. That’s the hard part, of course. Pulling the handbrake on that surge of emotion and saying “what the fuck?” But that’s where it really is. It’s the exercise burn. You gotta get there to move beyond.

Because once it’s recognized, and you look deep down at it…well, I realized it was just leftover from high school and being left out. And that’s silly, isn’t it? I mean it’s a real emotion, and it’s something I felt, but I didn’t have to allow it. I didn’t have to go with it. At the last minute, instead, I made a sharp left turn and used that moment as a springboard for a discussion of our rules as a couple, something that was patently necessary. But the best thing about this recognition moment, is that you can decide what to do with it.

The less oxygen it gets, the smaller and smaller it gets, until it’s nothing more than a wick. And unlike those other emotions we’ve been taught to repress, killing the spark of jealousy won’t make us dead inside. No, jealousy only becomes the beginning of the problem, or the catalyst, or the deciding factor in an issue that you clearly should sit and think on a bit, wait for calmer heads to prevail.

‘Cuz maybe, just maybe, it isn’t as bad as you thought. Maybe you were just being silly. Maybe, after all, you trust your partner completely. That she won’t run off with that guy she was flirting with at the bar, that she won’t suddenly feel that sex with you isn’t as good as sex with others. It’s trust, it’s confidence…it’s the road to compassion.


Getting My Lawn Tractor Back made me go Black: By Vicki

If this is the wildest thing you ever heard, you are probably right, but it is true, so here it is.

This happened 9 years ago and it is something I thought that would never happen to a happily married lady like myself.  My husband Zeke and I had just moved to the area and purchased a beautiful six digit home.  Zeke made so much money that I didn’t have to work, so he sent me out to buy a lawn tractor to mow our big 3 acre lawn.

So I combed my black Italian hair, as my tiny 5′ 100 pound body jumped in our red jeep and set out.  I stopped at several places, but liked this one nice tractor, and the guy Jack, that showed it to me.  He was about our age of 38, and when he offered to bring it out for a trail, I agreed.  Zeke was home when he arrived and although Zeke thought it was to high, he wrote Jack a check, and I was thrilled.

Like me, my husband liked Jack too and invited him in for coffee and a tour of our new home.  At this point I never dreamed what would follow in weeks ahead.

I had gone out one morning and left the garage door open and when I returned, someone had stolen our expensive lawn tractor.  I was hysterical and phoned Jack in tears of rage.  “It’s gone Jack,” I screamed.  “I don’t know what to do.  Zeke will kill me, he will kill me.  What am I going to do?”

In a few minutes I saw Jack pull in our driveway with a identical tractor.  Jack said our insurance would cover it, but I told I could never tell Zeke.  I told him I would sell cosmetics to repay him, but Jack said we could work something out.  Worried or not, I was relieved to get a replacement.

Not to boast, but I am a very beautiful lady, but that did not help me sell enough makeup to make a blemish in thousands to pay off this debt.  I had to give up the health club and all my lady meetings to try and raise money.  I was surprised that Jack had not even phoned for payment, but more sur- prised one morning while taking a shower.  “Jack, how did you get in here,” I said in the hall. “The door was opened Vickie, so I came on in,” Jack said as he opened my white robe.

“Jack, Jack, what are you doing?” I yelled as he picked me up and carried me to the den sofa.

“Hush little girl,” he said as he removed my robe.  “Vickie, you are simply lovely, you are so lush.” As I continued to ask Jack what he was doing, and that Zeke or our young son could come in, he began to kiss me between my legs.  Telling him I was a married woman and that this was not right, he began to lick my vagina.  I wanted to scream and object, but I just melted to the pleasure Jack was making me feel.

My husband was the only man to ever see me naked before, and he had never done what Jack was doing to me down there with his tongue.  Scared to death, my body rocked with a wild orgasm.  Before I could get my composure, I heard Zeke pull up in our Mercedes.  “Jack, it’s Zeke,” I yelled. As I ran in the bedroom, I was shaking with fright as I heard Zeke and Jack talking in the kitchen.

“Hi honey,” Zeke said when I came in.  “Jack said you had a problem with the tractor?””Yes,” I said feeling more nervous than ever.  “I had to call Jack, the tractor would not start.”

I could not believe the calmness Jack had as he talked to my husband, after he had done me oral. Jack left and I fixed Zeke lunch full of guilt and confusion of what Jack had just done so freely to me.

Still scared and confused, I hopped in the jeep and drove up to Jack’s office.  “Jack,” I said almost in tears.  “I know I owe you money, but I don’t ever want what happened to happen again.”  Before Jack could sat a word, I ran out and drove home as fast as I could.

Zeke noticed I was upset tonight at dinner, but when he asked me what was wrong, I quickly cleared  off the table and drove our son to his scout meeting.  I was too nervous to sleep that night.

Three days later, I was shocked again when Jack stopped in the middle of the afternoon.  Knowing I owed him so much money, I acted civil and fixed him coffee.  “I’m sorry about the close call,” Jack began.  “But Vickie I want you to know I enjoyed what I did, and I think you did too.  I just want to say, that little oral thing payed off half of your bill.  The next thing will wipe the slate clean.”

“Oh my gosh,” I said.  “You want to do it again?  You want to make love to me?  Jack, no!”

“Vickie, calm down,” he said as my entire mind was buzzing with disbelief.  “Hey, don’t get me wrong, I would love to make love to a little beauty like you, but what I want does not include me.”

“Does not include you?” I said.  “Jack what do you mean?  Jack, I am a married woman.  Please Jack!” “Vickie, you know Rambo?” he said as I looked out the window.  “Rambo, the black guy who helped you trim your hedge last year?  Vickie, if you make love to Rambo, we will call the entire debt payed.” “Rambo?” I screamed.  “That big black guy?  Jack, no!  Jack, you want me to make love to a black….”

“Yes Vickie,” he said helping me sit down.  “I know you are a happily married and love Zeke, but I will be with you.  I won’t let Rambo hurt you.  No one will know.  It will be a hush deal honey.” “Jack, will you please leave,” I said.  “Jack, just go.  Jack, I could never do such a thing.”

When Jack finally left, I actually went in the bathroom and threw up.  I was so nervous over the next few days that I lost 2 or 3 pounds.  I wanted to tell Zeke everything and have Jack arrested, but how could I tell my husband I just allowed Jack to have oral sex with me in our own home.

Jack stopped once and phoned a few times for my answer, but I always told him no way could I do this.

One Friday evening I became alarmed when our doorbell rang.  My heart stopped when I saw Jack on the porch through the door window.  As I opened the door, I froze when I saw a tall black man behind Jack in gray sweat pants.  “Hello Vickie,” Jack said walking past me.  “You know Rambo?”

“Jack I want you and this black man out of our house,” I yelled.  “Zeke will be home soon.”

“I don’t think so Vickie,” he said.  “If you remember correct, I think Zeke has taken your son on a weekend fishing trip.  Zeke told me the other day in town.”
“Oh my goooooo!” I screamed as they followed me in the den.  “Oh Jack, please get him out of here.” I began to cry as Jack ran his hands through my black hair.  “You know how much money you owe,” Jack said.  “Like you said, Zeke would kill you, and I don’t think you want him to know how you let me eat that little thing down between your legs.

“What do you want me to do Jack?” I said holding back the tears.

“I want to see you with Rambo Vickie,” he said laying his hand on my shoulder.  “I know here in the house is bad for you, but I have a motel room.  Vickie, I won’t let him hurt you.”

Like a prisoner knowing the fate, I grabbed the keys to the jeep and followed then to room 811 in a motel down the road.  “Jack, is there no other way,” I said as he removed my top.  “Jack, I am a  married woman.  Can’t I do it with you?  Jack, I can’t stand the thought of a black man.” “I would love nothing more than be your lover Vickie,” Mike said as Rambo glared at me.

“Her bra is like a teen trainer.  Rambo, what do you think of those little firm pointed breasts?” “She is a absolute little doll,” Rambo said as his eyes were all over me.  “I can remember the time I helped her trim her hedge.  I never dreamed I would get a chance to see her like this man.” “Well you are going to get your wish,” Jack said as he was tugging at my jeans.

“You always said a uptown lady like Vickie would never be possible, well we’re both about to get our wish.” “Oh Jack, please,” I whined as he allowed this black man to see all of me. I about died when I saw this Rambo holding the biggest erection I had ever seen in my life.  “Jack no, he will kill me.”

“No he won’t Vickie.  You are just used to Zeke.  You will stretch honey,” Jack said.  “Let me warm her up with my tongue.”

As Jack’s mouth sucked on my vagina, I again melted from the incredible feeling.  When Jack had finished, I opened my eyes to see this tall black man getting on the bed.  I wanted to run. I wanted to scream for Zeke, but instead I just froze as I felt this huge penis enter my vagina.  I let out a scream of pain as he pushed deeper in my tiny body.  Zeke was the only man who had ever made love to me.  I once had a fantasy of kissing my doctor, and I had even thought of things with Jack, but never did I dream I would be in a motel with a black man making love to me.

“You’re doing fine Vickie,” Jack said.  “Just relax and let it happen.  How is it Rambo?”

“The best damm white pussy I ever had,” he said.  “I have had my share of white sluts, but to stick this big black bone in a lady of this class, is a all time high.  Not only is her little pussy tight, she is a expensive man’s wife, and with that big house and Mercedes in their uptown garage, it makes it much better.  My big black cock could get used to this.”

I was now screaming and throwing my black hair in both guilt and pleasure, as this black man was cutting me into.  I turned my head to avoid his kiss, but felt like a orgasm as he began to suck my breasts.  I tried my best not to have a orgasm, but asked Zeke to please forgive me as I released a wild and shaking orgasm.

“That’s it Vickie,” Jack said.  “Let him have it baby.  I dreamed of what Rambo’s big black dick  would look in your little pussy, but it never looked this good.”

“Hey let me on the bottom,” Rambo said pulling his huge cock.  “Help her on me Jack.As Jack lifted my little lifeless body up, I threw back my head as I sat down on the big thing.

“Ahh, that’s even better,” Rambo moaned.  “Jack, I just hope someone steals her lawn tractor again. All I got to say is, if I had a woman like this, I would never go on any damm fishing trip.” Now gone with exhaustion, my head would fall dawn as my long black hair would cover Rambo’s face.  He was so powerful as he would raise my tiny body up and down for his enjoyment. “Hey Jack, I want some of her tight virgin butt,” Rambo called out.  “I have never done a rich man’s wife in the ass.

Let’s take her back so I can ream her butt on her Mercedes.”

“You’re too big man,” Jack said toying with my buns.  “You’re big cock will tear her up back there. We are fooling with another man’s wife.  We have to be careful.

That is when I felt Jack rubbing my anus.  “No Jack,” I pleaded.  “No, not back there.  Please!” Even though I was still embarrassed, my vagina was soaked and Jack was rubbing it on my anus.  I let out a scream of pain as Jack’s penis broke into my rectum.  “How is it Jack?” Rambo laughed.

“I don’t know about her front, but this is great,” Jack said pushing deeper inside of me.  For the next 10 minutes, my mind slipped in and out of my sanity, as two penis’s were enjoying me so much. “Vickie, Jack tell me your tubes are tied,” Rambo said.  “If that’s true, I am going to blow a load deeper in you than Zeke ever dreamed of.”  Soon I felt him exploding deep in my stomach, as I felt Jack’s sperm tickle my bowels.
“Hey Rambo, she pretty worn out,” Jack said as I fell on my side.  “Thanks, big man.”

“Vickie, it was a pleasure,” Rambo told me as I could now see his huge black cock still erect.

Jack followed me home and held me in his arms as I cried on our sofa.  “The debt’s paid Vickie,” he said.  “You were simply wonderful.  I will never bother you again, unless you want me to.”

I spent the next few weeks trying to recover both mentally and physically of what happened to me.  It took me months to get over the guilt every time I looked in Zeke’s eyes.

One day, a year later, I broke a belt on my tractor and has to go up to Jack’s place.  As I bent over in my shorts to show him the belt, I knew Jack what Jack was thinking.  As I drone home, I had a sudden tingle about that night with Jack and Rambo.  Maybe Jack would want me to do it again someday?

“Stop thinking that Vickie,” I told myself.  “Upstanding ladies like myself should not be thinking
such things.”

Rebecca Dreams True Romance

I was in my room less than an hour when I heard her faint knock.

I opened the down, and my knee felt as if they would buckle. Rebecca stood there in my doorway, looking completely angelic. Her black cropped hair framed a gorgeous tan face and a fabulous smile. Her sparkling eyes, and sensuous lips had me begging to kiss her..

She was conservatively dressed, her black dress, showed enough of her slender curves to make a man want to see more. The stopped just short of her knees, exposing her nicely shaped and very tan legs. She
spoke softly, “Hi I’m Rebecca, and you must be Wil.”

Her husband as expected accompanied her on this visit. He was a pleasant man, and from the smile on his face he could read my thoughts like a book. He knew how stunning his wife was, and the affect she had on me.

We attempted to make small talk, but soon Rebecca and I found ourselves lost in a conversation that had no words. As I sat in an over sized chair with her in my lap. My hands found the back of neck which sent shivers through her body.

Knowing full well my arousal wasn’t anything I could hide. If she hadn’t already felt my erection prodding her, she surly could see the intensity and intent of my glare.

Our hands began to explore each others bodies, but our eyes seem forever transfixed. She never blinked as I leaned closer to her face and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. She responded with a tighten grip on my arm and chest with her hands.

Her lips were soft and very wet lips. My kiss moved from her mouth, to her neck and ears. She was now starting to let out soft moans with each breathe. I continued to work her neck and shoulders, as my free hand slowly found their way up her smooth thigh…stopping of the heat I could feel coming from her crotch

I know she by now could clearly feel my stiffen cock. And she rhythmically, rotated her hips, creating a nice churning sensation on my cock.

Our eyes met again, and without a spoken word, I knew it was time to for us to move to the bed, where I pushed her onto her back and began dinning on her sweet wetness. I could of stay there for ever, her taste and smell were intoxicating.


Rebecca’s body enjoy several waves of orgasms, before she forced my mouth from her clit, and stripped me of my clothing.

Her hands seem to worship my now exposed cock. She slowly stroked a while before placing it into her warm mouth. I thought I would simply explode then and there.

She expertly worked my head and shaft with both her tiny hands and wet mouth. Rebecca began enthusiastically sucking my cock. Her head bobbed freely as I stroked her back and ass. Loud slurps came from her mouth as her saliva ran down my balls.

Eager for more of her sweet spot, we slipped into a nice 69 position. This gave me full access to her clit again. I worked her pussy over with my tongue as she sucked my cock.